Stock Market Simulator main e8c3612
A game that provides a realistic stock buying experience with unpredictable trends to test investment strategies.
▼ include | |
controls.h | (Declarations of) human-computer interactions functions |
draw.h | Function declarations for drawing/display of various elements |
events.h | Implements event-related data structures and (declarations of) such functions |
file_io.h | Header files for file operation functions related to the game |
format.h | Header file for the ANSI Escape code related functions |
graph.h | Declaration of graph plotting function |
names.h | Declaration of the name generating function |
random_price.h | Header file for random related functions |
stock.h | Declaration of the Stock class |
▼ src | |
controls.cpp | Human-computer interactions functions |
draw.cpp | Functions that handles the drawing and display of various elements |
events.cpp | Stores the event texts and modifiers |
file_io.cpp | Implementation of the file input/output functions |
format.cpp | ANSI Escape Code related functions |
graph.cpp | Graph plotting functions |
main.cpp | File with the main() function |
names.cpp | Implementation of the stock name generation functions |
random_price.cpp | Random price generator for stock market simulation |
stock.cpp | Implementation of the Stock class |