Stock Market Simulator main e8c3612
A game that provides a realistic stock buying experience with unpredictable trends to test investment strategies.
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 controls.h(Declarations of) human-computer interactions functions
 draw.hFunction declarations for drawing/display of various elements
 events.hImplements event-related data structures and (declarations of) such functions
 file_io.hHeader files for file operation functions related to the game
 format.hHeader file for the ANSI Escape code related functions
 graph.hDeclaration of graph plotting function
 names.hDeclaration of the name generating function
 random_price.hHeader file for random related functions
 stock.hDeclaration of the Stock class
 controls.cppHuman-computer interactions functions
 draw.cppFunctions that handles the drawing and display of various elements
 events.cppStores the event texts and modifiers
 file_io.cppImplementation of the file input/output functions
 format.cppANSI Escape Code related functions
 graph.cppGraph plotting functions
 main.cppFile with the main() function
 names.cppImplementation of the stock name generation functions
 random_price.cppRandom price generator for stock market simulation
 stock.cppImplementation of the Stock class